Create a complex dynamic link

Create complex dynamic links to transform linked values.
  1. In
    Project view
    , select an object that contains a property to link.
  2. In
    hover-over the property to link, select
    Add Dynamic Link
  3. In the dynamic link browser, select
  4. (optional) To open the complex dynamic link editor in the central pane, select
    Open in editor
    TIP: Opening the complex dynamic link editor in the central pane is useful if you edit a complex dynamic link with a lengthy logic.
  5. To insert a dynamic link:
    1. Select
      and select
      Dynamic link
    2. Set the dynamic link source by selecting
      Add Dynamic Link
      or dragging and dropping an object or a property.
      The reference to the selected node or variable appears in the property. Before the property, appears to indicate that the property contains a dynamic link.
      TIP: If the dynamic link does not resolve at design time, appears before the dynamic link. A dynamic link to a Windows alias may resolve at runtime. If the dynamic link is broken because the linked attribute no longer exists or has been moved, appears before the link.
  6. To insert a converter:
    1. Select
      and select a converter.
    2. Create the converter logic by entering data or creating dynamic links in the converter fields.