최근 스마트 제조 현황 연구에 따르면 제조업체의 40% 이상이 기술 및 숙련된 인력 부족으로 인해 경쟁에서 앞서가는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
글로벌 설문조사는 스마트 제조 기술이 데이터 통찰력을 극대화하고 인재를 유치하며 공급망, 품질 및 사이버 보안에 대한 위험을 최소화하는 데 미치는 영향을 보여줍니다.
Rockwell Automation In The News
Confectionery Production (UK): Chocolate processing operations striving to meet major market challenges
Technology For You (India): Union Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya Highlights India’s Potential to Address Global Workforce Shortages through Skill Initiatives at “Conference on Future of Jobs”
Naver News* (Korea): Rockwell Automation Completes Data Center Innovation Conference
PR Newswire UK: Rockwell Automation Accelerates OEM Support in Europe, the Middle East and Africa with the Appointment of Fabrizio Scovenna
Automation World: How Digital Tech is Moving the Needle on Manufacturing Productivity
Gkong.com* (China): Rockwell Automation signed a cooperation agreement with Dell Technologies to promote the digital transformation of industry through OT+IT integration
Forbes: Council Post: Building A Resilient Manufacturing Operation Is Worth The Effort
CIO Times: Chris Nardecchia: A Strategic Leader Driving Enterprise Technology for Global Growth
Revista de Robots* (Spain): OTTO Updates Software to Improve Material Flow Efficiency
Process and Control Today (UK): Industry leaders define deliverable benefits and digital transformation best practices in latest season of video series
Naver News* (Korea): Rockwell Automation Establishes Alliance with Three AI and Data Companies for Data Center Efficiency
Automation Magazine (UK): AMRs poised for accelerating adoption
Manufacturing Today: Revolutionizing the role of predictive maintenance in industrial machinery
Nate News* (Korea): Industrial Automation Company Rockwell Automation Benefits U.S. Manufacturing Boom
Automation World: Autonomous Mobile Robots’ Growing Impact on Intralogistics
Forbes: Is Bringing Manufacturing Home Just An American Dream?
The Chronicle Journal (Canada): AI and Automation: The Next Industrial Revolution
Business News This Week (India): Rockwell Automation to Drive Digital Transformation of Mahindra Accelo’s Manufacturing Process
Direct Industry E-mag: AI in 2024: Top Innovations, Insights, and Industry Transformations
Bloomberg: Manufacturers Are Due for a Reboot — If Tariffs Don’t Get in the Way
Direct Industry E-mag: With VisionAI, Rockwell Automation Aims to Revolutionize Quality Inspection
Financial Times: Rockwell Automation Earns Frost & Sullivan's 2024 Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award for Modernizing Smart Water Monitoring
Ambito* (Argentina): Automation and sustainability: the drivers of mining in the energy transition
Rockwell Automation 소개
Rockwell Automation, Inc.(NYSE: ROK)는 산업 자동화 및 디지털 트랜스포메이션 분야의 글로벌 리더입니다. Rockwell Automation은 인간의 상상력과 기술의 잠재력을 연결하여 인간의 가능성을 확장함으로써 더욱 생산적이고 지속 가능한 세상을 만들어갑니다. Rockwell Automation은 미국 위스콘신주 밀워키에 본사를 두고 있으며 26,000명의 전담 직원이 100개가 넘는 국가에서 고객 지원에 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
지속 가능성은 우리의 사명과 목적의 중심축이자 우리가 하는 일의 핵심 가치입니다.
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