1. What Rockwell Software products are currently tested and on what Microsoft® Operating System?
2. I don't see test results for the OS/Product combination that I am running. What should I do?
3. How does Rockwell determine which Microsoft Patches to test?
4. I don't see new MS Security Updates for Windows® Server 2003 R2 SP2, why?
5. What happened to CPR 4, CPR6, CPR7, CPR9, SR2, CPR9 S3, CPR9 SR6, etc. Testing?
6. When will you publish your results?
7. How do I get monthly e-mail notifications when new Patch Qualification results are available?
8. Where do I find the Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase and how do I login?
9. What does a recommendation of 'Fully Qualified', 'Partially Qualified', 'Not Qualified', etc. Mean?
10. What versions of Internet Explorer do you test?
11. Do you test or qualify the FactoryTalk Gateway Product?
12. Do you test or qualify the Rockwell Software Patch Roll-ups?
13. What Adobe® Reader software does Patch Qualification test with?
14. What Antivirus software does Patch Qualification test with?
15. Do you test the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET)?
16. Where can I find the lasted information on the Microsoft Longevity Lifecycle?
17. What does 'CPR' and 'SR' stand for?
18. Why is the RA September 2022 or above patch rollup required for SR13 and earlier test beds?
19. What is the difference between SQL Server CU and GDR patches?