To maximize uptime, offshore production and drilling operations require reliable systems that run safely without interruption for as long as possible. We have the oil and gas control system portfolio and experience that is required to help you meet your operational goals.
Automation, Control, and Safety Systems for Offshore Production
Sensia-delivered Solutions
As an operator of offshore facilities, you demand the highest level of process safety. You must protect personnel, assets, and the environment, while you maintain maximum uptime and minimize disruption.
We have a broad portfolio of offerings for offshore. You can select from a range of scalable solutions to satisfy cost, safety integrity level, and availability requirements.
Offshore production systems are designed to operate 24/7. The financial impact of downtime and repair work is high. Systems and equipment must operate in an environment of strong currents, uneven surfaces, extreme low temperatures, and staggering depths. High reliability architectures and reduced maintenance are critical for any oil and gas company that deploys production from a platform or sea bed. Our SIL-rated product portfolio and exceptional scan rates meet the demand needs of HIPPs and OPP systems offshore. Our subsea automation, control, and safety systems lead the industry. They are ideal for a wide range of applications that include:
- Subsea pump and compressor controls
- Topside control and safety systems for production platforms and FPSOs
- Emergency shutdown and process shutdown systems
Offshore Automation Solutions
Some of the areas that are covered by our offshore exploration and production solutions include:
- Drilling rigs and drill ships
- Subsea pump and compressor controls
- Topside control and safety systems for production platforms and FPSOs
- Blowout prevention systems
- Emergency shut down and process shut down systems
- Turbomachinery control
- Power and energy management systems
- Condition monitoring systems
Stay Connected from Reservoir to Topside Production
Extract More Value from Your Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Units
What would it take for you to adopt a fully digital environment? We know it’s a significant step for most oil and gas producers, but it’s a worthy question to consider. We hear much frustration from people in the oil and gas world when it comes to staying on budget, meeting project timelines, managing aging assets, and maintaining health, safety, security, and environment (HSSE) processes. And those concerns are easy to understand by the nature of an FPSO unit. What if you had a complete end to end digital solution that could potentially help save millions of dollars? Improving your startup schedule, reducing capital costs, optimizing your operations and maintenance, and getting you to your break-even point faster are just some of the benefits.
Safety, Reliability, and Expertise Equal Maximum Uptime
Meet Operational Goals with Industry Knowledge and Reliable Portfolio
Offshore operations present numerous challenges that include:
- Difficult environmental conditions
- Demanding control requirements
- Strict safety regulations
Our extensive portfolio has been used for many years in the demanding conditions of offshore environments. Our technology performs with reliability to provide a safe and efficient operation.
Plus, our open systems enable ease of integration, from subsea to topside, and from process control to motor control. Our capabilities add analytic tools for improved operations and faster decision-making.
These tools make it easier to manage aging control systems, too. The last thing you need is being surprised by a part that is no longer being manufactured. We can send onsite support to help you plan ahead and minimize any risk for downtime.
Offshore Production Platform Control Systems
Integrated Automation and Control for Floating Production Systems
Our portfolio of technologies is ideal in a wide range of applications including:
- Pump, compressor and turbomachinery control (TMC)
- Power generation control
- Ballast control
- Process control systems
- Separation system controls
- Heater treater systems
- Dehydration systems
- Marine propulsion systems, ballast and thruster control
- Riser control systems
Drill Rig and Drill Ship Automation
Improve Safety, Reliability, and Efficiency
Whether exploring, developing new fields, or maintaining production levels, drilling is at the center of oil and gas operations. Efficiency and safety of drilling operations is paramount, which helps explain the focus on them today given current market conditions. Our drilling rig and drill ship automation systems help companies improve accuracy, reduce cost and increase uptime while maintaining safety.
We offer a wide range of proven, robust technologies, from our Integrated Architecture system to our Intelligent Motor Control, that have been used globally in drilling rig and drillship automation, including the following applications:
- Drilling operations controls
- Marine propulsion, vessel management and ballast control systems
- Riser control systems
- Mud pumps and drawworks systems
- Integrated data gathering
Maintain Safety in Hazardous Environments
Hazardous Location Products that Stand up to the Test
The oil and gas industry is well known for the remote and inhospitable locations in which its production and processing operations can be found. Much of the electrical equipment must operate in environments that contain explosive or flammable gases and material. This type of location requires special design considerations to maintain safe operations. What’s not well known is the number of products we provide that are rated and certified to help you cope with hazardous locations.
Whether your need is to have electrical devices operating in Class 1, Division 1 or 2, or zone 2 classified areas, we have a range of Allen-Bradley industrial control products that deliver proven predictable performance. Products that perform in hazardous locations include switches, operators, sensors, combination starters and safety modules.
Enable Visibility and Support Safe Operations
The Izabela field is a GAS extraction and production plant located off Croatia. To improve operational flexibility, EDINA wanted to install integrated systems offshore and onshore. Edina selected Rockwell Automation and Fores Engineering Sri to execute the project. It resulted in a reduction in maintenance and operational costs, while maintaining production capacity.
TOTAL E&P UK Limited had numerous obsolescence issues in their North Alwyn complex. They partnered with us to execute system upgrades across two platforms in their Dunbar facility. The result? Our onsite engineers helped maintain Total’s high safety standards throughout the upgrade. They are now able to control elements of the offshore Dunbar facility from the onshore Alwyn facility.