Delete Role

In this section, you will find how to remove a role that is no longer required. Please note deleting a role is a permanent action and you will not be able to recover a role that is deleted.
Follow the instructions to delete a role:
  1. Navigate to the
    Roles Listing
    page and, click the role you want to delete.
    Role Detail
    page of the selected role is displayed.
  2. Click
    Delete Role
    Confirm Role Deletion?
    dialog box is displayed. If there are any associated apps or users with the selected role for deletion, you will see a check box to acknowledge the removal impact.
  3. Select the
    I acknowledge deletion impact
    check box.
    When you delete a role, it will be removed from the associated apps and users. Before deleting a role, verify the details so that you delete the correct role.
  4. To verify the role deletion, enter the correct role name in the
    Role Name
  5. Click
    Delete Role
    To make sure your changes to Roles take effect immediately, please log out and log back in again.
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