
  • PostgreSQL.
  • 7-zip recommended to unzip files. Download and install the 64-bit version of the software from:
  • SSL certificates.
    Rockwell Automation recommends using certificates signed by a certificate authority. If none are available at the time of installation, you may create a temporary certificate using OpenSSL.
    • OpenSSL - required to create certificates. To generate SSL Key and Certificate, refer to “Pre-Installation Steps” and “Enable SSL for Security Provider” for instructions.
      • A recent version (e.g. v1.1.1a) of OpenSSL for Windows is installed on the system. The recommended OpenSSL distribution is the Shining Production OpenSSL-Win64-Light.
        The vcredist_64.exe is a requirement for the 64-bit version of Shining Light Productions version of OpenSSL.  The Shining Light Productions OpenSSL is built using Visual Studio 2017. The download can be found with the following URL.
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