Pre-Installation Steps

Security Provider and each of the FactoryTalk Analytics applications should be installed with HTTPS/SSL enabled.
It is recommended that all lower case letters are used for domain names and hostnames.
  1. Each of the servers used to host the applications and services should have a fully qualified domain name or FQDN (e.g. If you use a DNS server it is likely that you are already using FQDNs for each of the machines on the network. If not, you should consider creating a hosts file that maps the FQDNs you want to use and the IP addresses for each machine and configuring each machine to use it.
  2. Each host machine should have at least one X.509 certificate. Each certificate should be signed by a certificate authority (CA) to establish trust between the different hosts. If you plan to expose any of the application servers on the public internet the certificates should be signed by one of the commercial CAs. Commercial CAs will not issue certificates for private networks. For machines on a private network, you can obtain certificates from an internal user managed CA. If one is not available, you can use the scripts described in “Enable SSL for Security Provider”.
    DataView, DataFlowML and Security Provider require the certificates in Java keytool format (.jks) files for both the keystore and truststore.
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