Industry adoption of EtherNet/IP™ for control and information enables the convergence of industrial and enterprise networks. To support and accelerate this network convergence, we have collaborated with our partners to provide design guidance and best practices to deploy scalable, robust, secure, safe, and future-ready industrial network architectures. We have addressed topics relevant to both operations technology (OT) and information technology (IT) professionals.
Tested and Validated Reference Architectures
Proven Architectures with Design and Implementation Guidance Help Speed Deployment
Rockwell Automation and Cisco collaborated to develop Converged Plantwide Ethernet (CPwE) Architectures. These industrial-focused reference architectures provide users with the foundation to successfully deploy the latest technologies. The design and implementation guides include plant-wide focused, tested, validated, and documented reference architectures. Comprised of Rockwell Automation and Cisco expertise, the documents provide a foundation to help reduce risk and successfully deploy the latest technologies optimized for both OT and IT engineers.
Industrial Networks and Security Whitepapers
A Technical Evaluation of Specific Network Technologies
We continuously publish whitepapers to provide awareness on network and security capabilities. These whitepapers explain the industrial-focused CPwE architectures that are tested and validated as part of the design guides referenced above. The whitepapers often combine Rockwell Automation and Cisco expertise to accurately address convergence between industrial and enterprise networks.