Track Your Environmental Impact
Engaging, easy-to-use, and powerful interface displaying sustainability metrics (CO2e, energy, and waste) for remanufacturing services of Allen-Bradley products.
Track, measure, and manage your sustainability goals through our Sustainability Calculator for Repairs that visualizes the environmental impact of your remanufacturing operations through Lifecycle Services.
Engaging, easy-to-use, and powerful interface displaying sustainability metrics (CO2e, energy, and waste) for remanufacturing services of Allen-Bradley products.
This user-friendly calculator makes tracking, measuring and managing CO2 and waste easier through our digital experience. Easily export data to integrate with your sustainability reports or share with stakeholders.
Prolong the life of your industrial automation products and support your operational needs with our Repair+ service agreement, which includes an individualized amount to spend on repairing your spare parts quickly along with access to our sustainability calculator for repairs.