Create a New Project

Projects can be created directly in FactoryTalk Twin Studio
Create a New Project in FactoryTalk Twin Studio
NOTE: This example uses Emulate 3D to create a new project.
  1. When your Universal credit is ready go to the FactoryTalk Hub home page.
  2. Select the Twin Studio card.
  3. Select the Emulate 3D card.
  4. Select small, medium, or large tier.
  5. Select your region. For better latency choose the recommended region and select Launch. The explorer screen appears.
  6. Select the Catalog button at the top of the page and select Emulate 3D.
    NOTE: It can take up to 3.5 minutes for the service to launch.
  7. In the Emulate 3D menu select Save to name your project.
    NOTE: All created files are saved in your home folder.
  8. When you are done save your project and click the menu button on the lower left of the screen to push to Vault.
    NOTE: Save your projects and make sure to select the Menu button on the lower left of the screen and choose Push to Vault to save your online progress.
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