FactoryTalk Optix Studio Release Notes

View system features, system requirements, and application notes for visualization projects.
FactoryTalk Optix Studio
is a visualization platform that accelerates value delivery with modern technologies, innovative designs, and modular deployment.
FactoryTalk Optix Studio
offers new levels of collaboration, scalability and interoperability to achieve your HMI vision. Cloud-enabled workflows allow collaboration at any time and from anywhere with built-in change tracking and versioning.
Integration with
FactoryTalk Remote Access
guarantees secure access to install, troubleshoot, and update from anywhere and from the optional
FactoryTalk Optix Studio web version
. Define a
FactoryTalk Optix Application
using powerful, object-oriented principles and modern, responsive objects without having to specify display size.
FactoryTalk Optix
offers unparalleled OPC UA support and extensibility at design and runtime using integrated C# APIs. Use the built-in emulator or deploy your
FactoryTalk Optix Studio
FactoryTalk Optix Studio
release notes contain these sections:
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