
Entitlements add different apps to your organization. Entitlements are purchased through the commerce software portal. To access the commerce software portal click View Entitlements on the FactoryTalk Hub menu then select Purchase Entitlements.
NOTE: Purchased entitlements appear in the FactoryTalk Hub View Entitlements page within 24-48 hours.
Each entitlement for a service provided is tied to a contract number and has a defined start date and expiration date.
Users cannot share entitlements between organizations - entitlements can only be allocated to one organization.
IMPORTANT: Once an entitlement is allocated to an organization it cannot be changed.
Entitlements can be Platform, Additive, or Add-on types.
  • Platform Entitlements are set up so that only one of them from a given family can exist in an organization at a time. For example, FactoryTalk Remote Access has eight platform entitlements available and defined by number of concurrent connections. They can be purchased for 1, 2, 5, or 10 concurrent connections. If you want 7 concurrent connections you cannot add a 2 connection and a 5 connection entitlement, you would need the 10 connection entitlement to satisfy the requirement.
  • Additive Entitlement can be mixed together to achieve larger combinations. They can be purchased separately and added together at a later time. Additive Entitlements can be allocated without an underlying Platform Entitlement.
  • Add-on Entitlements are a special type of of additive entitlement which require an existing platform entitlement. These can be added multiple times in the same organization as long as it has the prerequisite platform entitlement. In applications that support Add-on Entitlements you could have a 10 concurrent connections platform entitlement and need to expand beyond 10 connections, for example to 22 concurrent connections, you would then use the 10 concurrent connections platform entitlement and three +5 Add-on entitlements.
To continue using the service, you must renew your subscription before the expiration date. Depending on your subscription, you can add these entitlements:
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