Organizations, Projects, Users and Roles

FactoryTalk Hub has a concept of Organizations. Organizations (org) hold the entitlements for licenses/subscriptions. Users create accounts in MyRockwell and get added to an organization. DataMosaix will soon be able to federate users IDP for SSO, but for the time being, you must have a MyRockwell user account to get started.
To get started with DataMosaix, you will need an organization created in FT Hub. Then, you need to associate the entitlement to the organization. The person who creates the org and assigns the entitlement is automatically an admin (“owner” technically, but the same as an admin). This person can invite others to the org.
Once there is an org with a DataMosaix entitlement, an admin user can click on the DataMosaix tile to create the DataMosaix project. For clarity, this document uses the term ‘
’ from Cognite to avoid confusion. It is not for a specific project, it is the place where data for the organization can be gathered and used.
One of the things that happens when the first user clicks on the DataMosaix tile is a DataMosaix project gets created in the back-end system. This project will have a name with the org name dash a number between 1 and 60. For example, if you have an org named AcmeManufacturing, you’ll get a DataMosaix project called something like acmemanufacturing-10.
At this point, you can use DataMosaix normally. It’s empty and configured for use. Next, you’ll want to invite users to the org.
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There are two types of users in FT Hub - Admins and Contributors. There is more granularity of these roles defined in DataMosaix itself. Admins will automatically get assigned the Project Admin role in DataMosaix so that they can administer other users. Contributors are normal users without admin privileges. You can always give contributors the Project Admin role in DataMosaix later if you need to.
Enabling users is a two-step process. First, you invite them to the org in the FT Hub UI. Then, after they’ve accepted, you use the DataMosaix Management Console to give them an appropriate role. Without a role, they will be unable to get into DataMosaix and will get a lock icon that says No content available.
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