What's Different Between DataMosaix and Cognite CDF?

While DataMosaix uses CDF as the basis for data services, it is not exactly the same. In terms of both product and marketing perspective, DataMosaix provides a unique offering. In brief, DataMosaix is available in smaller, bite size chunks that are more suited for Rockwell customers. DataMosaix optimized the packages to make them more appealing to industry solutions applications and to facilitate customers to get started within a Land and Expand/LAER paradigm.
From a product and features standpoint, DataMosaix team is working on Rockwell-specific connectors/extractors that connect to data sources like FT Batch and FT Metrics. The team is also working to make these extractors available via FT Edge Manager for deployment at scale.
DataMosaix does not include oilfield specific functionality in CDF - such as storing/analyzing Seismic data or Point Clouds. Rockwell also does not currently sell Cognite applications that are not part of CDF, such as InField, Best Day, Maintain, and InRobot.
The major technical differences between CDF and DataMosaix that you will see in the CDF training are around authorization and authentication. CDF uses the customers identity provider (IDP), typically Azure AD where the customers IT department manages user access rights and the generation of Client Secrets and other keys necessary for operating the data service. Rockwell uses FT Hub and the DataMosaix Management Console to manage users and user access rights. The Management Console also is where you create Client Secrets to be able to manage access for extractors or applications. You may see references to using IDPs or AzureAD in the Cognite training or documentation. Expect to use the DataMosaix Management Console instead.
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