Rockwell Automation has released new sizes in its line of energy- and space-saving Allen-Bradley Bulletin 300 NEMA contactors. The contactors, now available in NEMA sizes 00 to 8, feature universal electronic coils that reduce inrush apparent power (VA) by up to 68% and sealed VA by over 75% compared to standard, non-electronic coils. The electronic coils also save engineering time by covering 20 to 500 V AC/DC coil voltages with only four coil options, greatly simplifying selection.
These contactors allow coil input terminals to be moved from the line to load side of the contactors without disassembly. This can make wiring and access easier when building starter assemblies. They also offer a direct PLC interface option for contactors above NEMA size 3, as well as a full line of accessories and reversing contactors.

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Exclusive NEMA-rated safety contactors are available for applications requiring a safety solution, mechanically linked or mirror contact performance.
Rockwell Automation offers two types of NEMA-rated contactors. Bulletin 500 contactors use a traditional field-serviceable design that offers installers plenty of room for maneuvering wiring into place. Bulletin 300 contactors have an optional wide-range, energy-saving coil. The footprints of Bulletin 300 products are also up to 25% smaller than traditional NEMA contactors.
All Allen-Bradley contactors are tested in combination with relevant motor overload relays and circuit breakers to provide two- or three-component motor starters. Using the online Global Short-Circuit Current Rating tool, users can obtain documentation certifying the compliance of specific product combinations to IEC and UL standards.
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Published February 10, 2021