Corrected anomalies in this release
The list identifies the anomalies corrected in
FactoryTalk Optix
1.4.2.Unable to deploy to device with invalid name [2239099]
Deploying to a device with a name that contains a slash results in an error or the application not running on the device.
This anomaly corrected in version 1.4.0.
This anomaly first identified in version 1.2.0.
Unable to export file when name of project contains special characters [3110366]
Filenames cannot contain special characters.
This anomaly corrected in version 1.4.0
This anomaly first identified in version 1.3.0
Unable to emulate a project [3196019]
The Emulator cannot run a project that contains a Rockwell Automation EtherNet/IP station if FactoryTalk Optix Studio is installed in a folder that contains a special character.
This anomaly corrected in version 1.4.0
This anomaly first identified in version 1.3.0
Video support may lag in some Windows DirectX configurations [3251408]
Setting the environmental variable FTOPTIX_RHI_BACKEND to "opengl" may resolve this issue.
This anomaly corrected in version 1.4.0
This anomaly first identified in version 1.3.1.
Sparkline range cannot display if only one range is modified [3153055]
If you modify only the value for Range high or Range low for a sparkline, the range cannot display in sparkline. Modify both the value in Range high and Range low to display the range in the sparkline.
This anomaly corrected in version 1.4.0.
This anomaly first identified in version 1.3.0.
Unable to launch FTOptixRuntime.exe [3187395]
FTOptixRuntime.exe cannot launch if you export the project to a folder with a name that contains a special character.
This anomaly corrected in version 1.4.0.
This anomaly first identified in version 1.3.0.
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