S7TCP Station
Name | BrowseName | DataType | Description |
Maximum job size in bytes | MaximumJobSizeInBytes | Maximum size of a transmission of tags from the controller (in bytes). Limits both the duration of transmission from the controller and the latency of the write to the controller following the transmission. 0 = maximum value of 243 bytes. | |
Maximum gap in bytes | MaximumGapInBytes | Maximum distance in bytes between two tags to be part of the same transmission. | |
Port | Port | Number of the port used by the TCP-IP connection. It must match the one configured in the controller. | |
Remote device ID | RemoteDeviceId | Default value = 2. This value can influence the type of communication channel (PG or OP) with the controller reserved to the driver: setting it to 1, the driver is assigned a PG communication channel (usually available in limited number and reserved to programming through S7 Manager), while setting it to 2 an OP channel is assigned (OP channels are dedicated to HMI / supervisor communication and are available in greater quantity). Rack Default value = 0. Slot Default value = 2. | |
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