Get ready
Plan now to make the most of your time in Anaheim. Learn about hotels, weather, transportation and more to prepare for a great event experience.
Get ready
Plan now to make the most of your time in Anaheim. Learn about hotels, weather, transportation and more to prepare for a great event experience.
Rockwell Automation has negotiated discounted rates at a selection of official event hotels near the Anaheim Convention Center. All of the official event hotels are within walking distance, no more than a few blocks from the convention center. Hotel prices are $200-300, not including taxes and fees. All rooms are available first come, first served.
Following registration, you will be provided with instructions to book your hotel through Maritz Global Events. To reserve a room through Automation Fair Housing, a credit card is required for guarantee. All hotel room fees are the responsibility of the attendee.
Maritz Global Events has been designated as the official housing company for the event. Be mindful of other organizations that offer assistance with hotel reservations and are unaffiliated with our event.
Anaheim is easily accessible by air via multiple airports. All airports offer multiple options for ground transportation to the convention center area.
It’s never too early to get prepared. Download our Visa Invitation Letter to start planning your trip.
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