Create alarms
Create digital alarm objects and boolean variables.
- Create input variables:
- InProject view, create two variables by right-clickingModeland selecting .
- Rename the variables by hovering-over each variable, selectingEdit
- ErrorAlarmVariable
- WarningAlarmVariable
- SelectErrorAlarmVariable, and inProperties, selectInt32and selectBoolean.
- SelectWarningAlarmVariable, and inProperties, selectInt32and selectBoolean.
- Create the alarms:
- InProject view, create two alarms by right-clickingAlarmsand selecting .
- Rename the alarms by hovering-over an alarm, selectingEdit
- ErrorAlarm
- WarningAlarm
- Configure the ErrorAlarm:
- InProject view, selectErrorAlarm.
- InProperties, create a dynamic link betweenInput variableand .For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- SetMessagetoSerious system malfunction.
- Configure the WarningAlarm:
- InProject view, selectErrorAlarm.
- InProperties, create a dynamic link between theInput variableproperty and .For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- Set theMessageproperty value toA module was not initialized correctly.
- Set theSeverityproperty value to2.
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