The new Allen-Bradley 856T Control Tower Stack Light system provides maximum flexibility in meeting the widest range of applications with fewer components. This system uses a modular design that incorporates brighter LED illumination and a broad offering of sound technologies. All signals in the system are 24V AC/DC powered, which means that just three power modules can cover the entire system. The latest additions to the 856T Control Tower Stack Light family are IO-Link enabled versions that provide diagnostic information and ease integration into a Connected Enterprise.

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With greater requirements for production and machine information comes the need for industrial-grade smart devices. Smart devices are integral components for smart machines and crucial to capturing operational data. These smart devices provide real-time insight into the status of a control system, resulting in smarter, more informed decisions. By choosing IO-Link enabled versions of Bulletin 856T Control Tower Stack Lights, users can monitor tower light and machine status in real-time, while allowing for simple remote set-up and troubleshooting.
Smart devices, such as the 856T IO-Link tower light, are foundational to smarter machines and equipment, smart systems and knowledge-driven operations. They are often the first step in a digital transformation because they deliver raw, real-time data. This valuable information can reduce one of the most significant issues – unplanned downtime. Improve productivity with information that starts at the plant floor with devices that enable predictive maintenance, pinpoint performance issues and reduce repair time.
Allen-Bradley and Control Tower are trademarks of Rockwell Automation Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.
Published April 7, 2021