Join or create a FactoryTalk Hub organization

FactoryTalk Hub requires an organization in order to work with an application.
When selecting the FactoryTalk Optix tile, a symbol appears in the upper right corner of the tile if no organization is selected or if your account is not allowed to access FactoryTalk Optix.
IMPORTANT: If you are working with
FactoryTalk Optix Pro
, you may want to set up an organization for
FactoryTalk Remote Access
too. Refer to the
FactoryTalk Remote Access
user guide for further information on this topic.
TIP: Verify that you selected the correct organization when you log into FactoryTalk Hub. The organization name appears on the right side of the FactoryTalk Hub title bar. If you have access to more organizations, you can toggle from one to another by selecting the organization name.
The user that creates an organization becomes the organization owner and administrator. A company may be associated to one or more organizations whose administrators can invite users to join them. Once a user joins and selects an organization on FactoryTalk Hub, the lock on the FactoryTalk Optix tile disappears and FactoryTalk Optix becomes accessible through the tile.
  1. To create an organization, in the FactoryTalk Hub page title bar, select and then select
    Create Organization
  2. On the
    Setup Your Organization
    page, complete:
    • Name of the Organization
      : Enter the organization name.
    • Location
      : Enter the organization location.
    TIP: If you access the organization with owner or administrator rights, you can invite other users to join the organization, assign users to the organization and manage their permissions. You can also assign the administrator role to other users.
    NOTE: You can allocate an entitlement from FactoryTalk Hub to an organization if you are the owner of the entitlement without being the organization owner too. Once the owner allocates both the Studio Pro and Runtime entitlements to an organization, any user accessing that organization can self-assign any Studio Pro entitlements and use any Runtime entitlement key.
  3. (optional) To determine if you want your organization to be visible in the public list, select either
    Show this organization in the public list and in search results
    Hide this organization in the public list and in search results, invite code required for members to join
    NOTE: Administrators must approve new members that are joining a public organization.
  4. Select
  5. Select which FactoryTalk Hub applications you want visible to your organization and its members.
    NOTE: All applications are visible by default.
  6. Select
    A notification appears confirming that your organization is successfully created.
    NOTE: A 90-day trial entitlement is automatically created for your new organization for both FactoryTalk Studio Pro and FactoryTalk Remote Access.
  7. In the upper left corner of the FactoryTalk Hub page, select
    TIP: Trial entitlement association takes a few minutes, so you may still see on the FactoryTalk Optix and FactoryTalk Remote Access tiles. Refresh your screen until no longer appears on those tiles.
  8. (optional) To invite other users to join your organization:
    1. In the FactoryTalk Hub page title bar, select and then select
      Invite Users
    2. Under
      Invite by email
      , in
      , select the drop-down arrow and then select
      Service: FactoryTalk Optix
    3. In
      , select the drop-down arrow and then select the role of the users that are going to be added to the organization.
    4. In
      , type the email addresses of the invitees, separating each invitee with a semicolon.
    5. Select
      Send Invite
      TIP: You can share a link to invite the recipients to join the organization instead of entering resource and role:
      1. Under
        or share a joint request link
        , select
        to copy the link.
      2. Paste the link into an email addressed to the organization invitees.
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