FTP Client configuration

FTP Clients make connections to FTP servers.
Template Libraries
contains a runtime script and a widget that allow you to make connections to FTP servers.

Required packages

See Add NuGet packages and install a stable version of this required NuGet package:

FTP client script

is a runtime script that exposes OPCUA methods to perform file listing and transfer to and from an FTP server.
Configurable parameters include:
  • FtpServerIPAddress
    . IP address of the FTP server.
  • FtpServerPort
    . FTP server port.
  • FtpServerUsername
    . Username used to authenticate the user on the FTP server.
  • FtpServerUserPassword
    . Password used to authenticate the user on the FTP server.
  • OverwriteFileIfExists
    . Determines whether any existing files must be overwritten or not.
  • ClientCertificateFile:
    Server public certificate file, according to standard X509v3 and with .der extension. It must be found in the FTOptixApplication/ProjectFiles/PKI/Own/Certs folder. If specified, the private key must also be specified. If not specified, it is automatically generated at runtime in the FTOptixApplication/ApplicationFiles/PKI/Own/Certs folder.
  • ClientPrivateKeyFile
    : Server private key file, with ASCII Base64 encoding and .pem extension. It must be found in the FTOptixApplication/ProjectFiles/PKI/Own/Certs folder. If specified, the certificate must also be specified. If not specified, it is automatically generated at runtime in the FTOptixApplication/ApplicationFiles/PKI/Own/Certs folder.
  • UseFtps
    Determine protocol to use, FTP or FTPS.
The following parameters, to be used as read-only, expose the internal state of the client:
  • FtpClientIsRunning
    . Indicates if the client is currently connected to an FTP server.
  • FtpClientOperationInProgress
    . Indicates if the client is running some operations, such as file list or file transfer.
Exposed methods include:
  • ConnectFtpClient
    . Connects to the FTP server.
  • DisconnectFtpClient
    Disconnects from the FTP server.
  • DownloadItem
    . Downloads a remote item, such as a file or folder that is contained in the
    parameter that exists in the
    folder.  The
    parameter makes it possible to determine whether any existing files should be overwritten or not.
  • UploadItem
    . Uploads the local item, such as a file or folder, that is contained in the
    parameter to the
    folder. The
    parameter makes it possible to determine whether any existing files should be overwritten or not.

FTP client widget

allows you to list and transfer files to and from an FTP server through a graphical interface.
Configurable parameters include:
  • ServerIPAddress
    . IP address of the FTP server.
  • FtpServerPort
    . FTP server port.
  • Username
    . Username to authenticate on the FTP server.
  • Password
    . Password of the user to authenticate on the FTP server.
  • ClientCertificateFile
    . Server public certificate file, according to standard X509v3 and with .der extension. It must be found in the FTOptixApplication/ProjectFiles/PKI/Own/Certs folder. If specified, the private key must also be specified. If not specified, it is automatically generated at runtime in the FTOptixApplication/ApplicationFiles/PKI/Own/Certs folder.
  • ClientPrivateKeyFile
    . Server private key file, with ASCII Base64 encoding and .pem extension. It must be found in the FTOptixApplication/ProjectFiles/PKI/Own/Certs folder. If specified, the certificate must also be specified. If not specified, it is automatically generated at runtime in the FTOptixApplication/ApplicationFiles/PKI/Own/Certs folder.
  • UseFtps
    .Determine protocol to use, FTP or FTPS.
  • ExtensionFilter
    . Set s one or more filters to view only files with certain extensions. To specify more than one extension, separate the extension with ‘;’. For example, use ‘
    .csv’ to display only files with .txt and .csv extensions. Use ‘
    ’ to show files of all extensions.
  • ShowHiddenFiles
    . Specifies whether or not to show hidden files. This setting does not apply on remote file systems of Windows FTP servers.
  • StartLocalFilesystemPath
    . Specifies the starting folder to browse the local filesystem.
  • AccessFullFilesystem
    . Determines whether to allow full filesystem browsing. This option is only supported for Windows and Ubuntu systems. You can browse from the root of the disks on Windows and from the ‘/’ (root) folder on Linux.
  • AccessLocalNetworkDrives
    . Show s the network drives mapped using this setting when
    is enabled in the Windows operating system.
Periodic file transfer via FTP
Use the following steps to combine
to automate the upload and download of files and folders in a periodic and non-interactive manner. You can use this FTP server configuration to automate file and folder transfers between devices.
  1. Create the folder
    and inside that folder create the file
  2. Set
    as the starting folder on the FTP server.
  3. Configure FTP server parameters such as IP address, port, and authorized users.
  4. Start the FTP server.
To use the FTP server that exists in
Template Libraries
, see FTP Server configuration. Then, you must configure the connection parameters to the FTP server in the
The files and folders to be transferred are already configured through
The pages in the project include:
  • FTP client configuration.
    Allows you to change the configuration parameters of the FTP client. The
    switch defines whether an existing file must be overwritten.
  • Transfer files.
    Shows how to connect and disconnect the FTP client using the
    methods and how to download and upload using the
  • Periodic backup method
    . Allows you to enable periodic downloading of a given file using the
    script. The script is configured with
    set at 30 seconds and
    set to
    . See Download example.
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