Release Notes: FactoryTalk DataMosaix 1.1.0

Fixes and Improvements

This release includes the following enhancements:
  • Asset Modeling in FactoryTalk DataMosaix
  • Improvements to creating to Extractors and generating the configuration file in FactoryTalk DataMosaix
  • Creation of Pipeline in extractor workflow using the FactoryTalk DataMosaix UI
  • Creation of Dataset in extractor workflow using the FactoryTalk DataMosaix UI
  • Register application as a Single Page Application and Machine-to-Machine Application
  • Improved access rights for applications and extractors
For more information, see the online help.

Known Anomalies

  • When a user tries to run a function through CDF UI, the run button does not work, and the function cannot be called. However, if the user creates a schedule for the function using the client ID and client Secret, the function gets called based on the schedule.
    Please note, to run a function only once, the user should create a schedule for the function. Once the function gets called, the user can delete the schedule.
  • When a user in FactoryTalk DataMosaix, who does not have the capability to create, edit, or delete groups, is still able to see the Create Group button enabled.
  • When a user tries to create transformations using SDK or API for an extractor registered in FactoryTalk DataMosaix version 1.0.x, the transformation may fail with the following error.
    CogniteAPIError:Invalid value for: body | code: 400
    This failure may be due to the scopes parameter passed with the OidcCredentials in the script as follows.
    Scopes = [“IDENTITY", "user_impersonation"]
    However, if the user changes the scopes parameter value to “user_impersonation”, this issue can be fixed.
    For example,
    creds2 = OidcCredentials( client_id = "xxxxx", client_secret = "xxxxx",
    scopes = ["user_impersonation"],
    token_uri = "auth0 token end point", cdf_project_name = "sample project" )
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