Set up FactoryTalk Optix Runtime Tools

NOTE: FactoryTalk Optix Runtime Tools currently supports Ubuntu 22, x64 CPUs.
The FactoryTalk Optix Runtime Tools for Ubuntu 22.04 consists of the FactoryTalk Optix Application Update Service and the FactoryTalk Optix Entitlement Command Line Interface (CLI).
  1. Install and update Ubuntu desktop 22.04.
  2. Enter the following commands:
    1. sudo apt-get update
    2. sudo apt-get upgrade
    3. sudo apt-get install libxcb-cursor0
    4. cd ~/Downloads
    5. tar xvf FactoryTalkOptixRuntimeToolsSetup_Ubuntu_22_x64_[version].Beta.tar.gz
    6. chmod +x FTOptixApplicationUpdateService.Ubuntu_22_x64.[version].sh
    7. ./FTOptixApplicationUpdateService.Ubuntu_22_x64.[version].sh
  3. Restart Ubuntu and proceed with the entitlement activation.
NOTE: If the project includes a videoplayer, install any additional packages by using the
sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-libav ubuntu-restricted-extras
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